Meeting Leader Information
Find what you need for your local AA meeting here!
Just click on the link for your specific document and print the item for your meeting.
Suggested Meeting Format
Welcome Statement for the Meeting
Moment of Silence followed by the Serenity Prayer
Closed Meeting Statement (Blue Card)
Anyone attending this meeting for their first AA meeting, first time at this meeting, or from out of town that wishes to be recognized by the group?
If there is a first time attendee at the AA meeting - use Newcomer First Step Meeting format per below
Any AA related announcements?
Anniversary recognition coins (optional)
Announce type of meeting (Step, Big Book, topic, speaker) and structure as applicable
If following a rotational order in meeting; check @ 10 minutes prior to meeting end if anyone has a desire to speak that has not had a chance.
Closing - Lords Prayer (participation optional)
Newcomer First Step Meeting
Welcome the newcomer; obtain name; and let them know that they will have chance to talk at end of meeting if they wish
Read the First Step
Go around the room and have the attendees briefly share what brought them to AA sharing experience, strength, and hope
Have attendees write name and phone number on Phone List to be given to newcomer
Give newcomer an AA Meeting Schedule
Stay afterwards with others to answer questions and provide support to newcomer
Meeting Materials
Treasurer Information
Please note the address change for Area 22 on the 2017 Contribution Form